“nishmat kol chai”

Dear friendsI am thrilled to attach photos of a unique talisman that I can create personally for each one of you.It is a small vessel made out of silver.The Hebrew engraving outside says “nishmat kol chai”- meaning “the soul of all life”It refers to the Almighty the One Spirit, Source of creation and the idea … Read more

living jewels

and let’s not forget the living jewels at the workshop-My silent friends-the Discus fish.i’m a discus fish breeder and these folks live in huge aquariums surrounding the walls of the worshop-observing everything….

Chaldean Astrology and the Seven Metal Talisman

The Chaldean order is really a hierarchy of the forces represented by celestial bodies. This order expresses itself in a timeline and is taken from the orbits of the seven visible planets, and their relative distance, therefore every one of the planets in its turn rules a stage in the linear process of time. The … Read more